
Table summary of OCR's 2021 HIPAA Breach Reports with two columns, type and overview. First row reads New Complaints (total): OCR received 34,077 complaints in 2021, 25% more than in 2020. Second row reads Resolutions Before Investigation (total): OCR resolved 20,661 (78%)complaints before initiating an investigation. Third row reads breaches affecting 500 or more individuals: OCR received 609 notifications of breaches affecting 500 or more individuals, 7% less than in 2020. Forth row reads breaches affecting 500 or more individuals by type: Hacking: Hacking/IT incidents remained the largest category of breaches among incidents affecting 500 or more individuals in 2021. These breaches comprised 75% of the total number of reported breaches. The largest category of breaches of 500 or more individuals by location involved network servers. Fifth row read breaches affecting fewer than 500 individuals (total): More than 63,000 small breach notifications were reported affecting nearly 320,000 individuals. Unauthorized access or disclosure was the most frequent type of breach. Paper records were the most frequent breach location.