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Was your company created to fill a need? Did you see a competitor providing a service your company could do better?
Example: Houston, TX. Tampa, FL. Los Angeles, CA.
These would be competitors with the most similar service offerings, similar or same market area or territory, most similar company size and budget, etc.
Feel free to go into as much detail as possible, this question will drive much of our sales copy!
Example: “The big insurance companies are moving into our market, and we need help identifying and targeting realistic areas of growth online.”
Example: “We provide both B2B and some private client insurance lines. So our primary target audience would be medium- and large-sized companies, but we also want to target some niche areas like wealth protection and yacht insurance.”
Examples: “We already have more regional offices than our competitors, so we are better known across the state”, or, “our audience already associates our company with employee benefits in Portland.”
Examples: “We find it difficult to market both our B2C and B2B offerings on the same website,” or “our audience thinks our competitor is the authority or sole provider of coastal insurance coverage.”
Example: “We have been trying to blog consistently about questions our audience asks us, and we cross-post those blogs to our social accounts” or “we have been sponsoring local events and charities that may be willing to collaborate with us online.”
Example: “New Orleans flood insurance”, “Insurance for property managers”, “employee benefits Massachusetts”
Please include any and all sales or marketing collateral you may have.
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